How to ease the pain of chronic neck and shoulder?

How to ease the pain of chronic neck and shoulder

Because of the stresses and strains of modern life, we tend to rise in tension our shoulders and tighten our neck muscles too much. Because we do so much, increase muscle tightening to help mattresses for cracks rib cage, rather than relax and allow breathing in the abdomen.

Thus, your breath becomes shallow, because of the poor situation and the tension you have narrow painful neck and shoulder muscles are deprived of oxygen. This causes more tension and pain. No wonder that many of us have sore necks and shoulders. Here are some tips in chronic neck and shoulder pain.

1. Use breathing

If instead it focused on exhalation through inhalation, and to reduce tension in many places. Make sure that you exhale completely to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide in the lungs, which leaves room to increase the oxygen. Trying to exhale talking so quietly, as well as counting up to ten over and over again until it runs out of oxygen. Never deliberately pushing the air force, exhale gently until the completion of the air. Try every time the neck, back and shoulders feel tight.

2. release starting to learn

 You sense the tension in the Jnbek for the starting must. Place the palm rest at the rear portion of the neck and tighten your neck muscles cut forward. Your shin for two seconds and then return your head to put naturally. Focus on the muscles that kindly Bill and judge Increase background Rusk run shoulders.
Your attention tight muscles tell you that I allow smoothing my neck. ' Muscle will not be released. Repeat this process every morning and evening.

3. Using relaxation to dissolve tension and pain

Lying down on the brushes or thick carpet and a place among the three inches of support under your head. You can re-use paper and books. Be careful on the chin and forehead consistent and this will force the neck, back, and shoulders to relax. Bend your knees on a chair and rest your calves on the chair. If necessary, some pillows under your knees bend your elbows proved to put your hands on the ribs. If you have a lot of tension between the shoulder blades, it rests with your arms across your chest. This is a wonderful position relieve pain and get rid of stress. Try this work about 15 minutes a day. I think positive thoughts such as "allow my shoulders and chest smooth. Imagine your responsibility and openness, broad chest.

4. Try some bearing reduces

 Lift up your shoulders and let them floundering without paying. There is very little effort for this, but this is great to relieve neck pain and shoulder if you're sitting for a long time. With the body and the various means of action to relieve stress and tension, it makes you feel like a lot of comfort in the long term.